Subluxation: The Source of Dysfunction

Subluxation may be an unfamiliar for many, but it can make a significant difference in your child's health. As parents, understanding what this issue is and how it impacts our children's health is absolutely crucial. Because once you understand subluxation, you will be all in trying to find a way to get rid of it.

What Is Subluxation?

Subluxation is stress on the nervous system, which can lead to a range of issues, including gut problems, sensory issues, emotional and behavioral challenges, and immune system issues. However, on the other side of subluxation is a healthy nervous system that regulates the gut, immune system, and motor system and gets everything in sync with your child's brain or hard drive.

Subluxation is not something that you'll typically hear about from a standard pediatrician or medical office. Unfortunately, the medical definition of subluxation is outdated and simplified, leading to a lack of understanding of its neurological component. This is where neurologically focused pediatric chiropractic comes in - this is our specialty.

As parents, you need to know the science and story behind subluxation. In the sections below, we break down so you not only understand but also take steps to eliminate it and get your child's health back on track!

The 3 Parts of Subluxation

Subluxation is a three-part problem. The first part is a misalignment in the neuromotor system, which includes the musculoskeletal and neuro spinal systems. The spine, in particular, is the most influential motor system we have.

When there is a misalignment in the spine, it leads the second element of subluxation called fixation, which is better described as tension or altered tone. If you've taken your child to a pediatric therapist, you've probably heard about proprioception, tone, coordination, and other motor-based challenges. These are the first parts of subluxation, affecting much more than just the musculoskeletal system.

The third element of subluxation is where the real challenge comes in, because it causes neurological imbalance within the brain and nervous system. This leads to interference and imbalance in the central or autonomic nervous system, which is called Dysautonomia. When subluxation shifts the nervous system into sympathetic "fight or flight" dominance, it can negatively impact the thriving, growing, digesting, sleeping, resting, and immune function of your child. We need that gas pedal side of the nervous system for survival, but it is not where we thrive. It doesn’t help us grow, digest, sleep, or rest. 

The Impact of Subluxation

Subluxation impacts three main systems in your child's body: the gut, immune, and motor systems. When subluxation is present, it shuts down gut motility and gut function, which can result in reflux, colic, and constipation. It also impacts the immune system, making your child more susceptible to ear infections, respiratory challenges, and autoimmune disorders.

Finally, subluxation affects the motor system and developmental milestones, which can impact your child's ability to reach important milestones. If your child is having tantrums, sensory or behavioral challenges, and is not sleeping or developing appropriately, this could be a sign of too much stress stuck on the nervous system.

Subluxation alters the function of the nervous system, and it is our job as chiropractors to make safe, gentle, natural drug-free adjustments to clear out the subluxation and reduce stress. If you want to address subluxation and improve your child's health, please give us a call at (425) 286-2956!

Our office will use INSiGHT scans to measure and find the stress on your child's nervous system. We can measure and find exactly where that stress is located, how much there is, and how bad it is. This allows for the creation of a custom care plan that addresses the subluxation and reduces stress.

Getting rid of subluxation can lead to incredible natural, neurological healing, which improves the gut, immune, and motor systems. Your child will sleep better, regulate their emotions better, and overall function at a higher level!


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